Saturday, January 2, 2010

Fruit is Just About the Perfect Food

The experts tell us that a healthy diets will include 5 servings of fruit per day. While this is a lot of fruit, this article takes a very brief look why fruits are so important to our living a healthy life. Indeed some anthropologists claim the evidence is there to prove that our earliest ancestors ate only fruit until the onset of the ice age a million or so years ago forced the introduction of meat into their diets. In fact there are some folks today who refuse to eat anything other than fruit. The practice is known as "fruitarianism" and the adherents call themselves "fruitarians".
Whether or not the claim that earliest man ate only fruit is true, fruit is undeniably good for us. First, fruits have high concentrations of fiber, water, and vitamin C. Fiber (which you will also see spelled as "fibre") is a set of materials that have continuous filaments, much like a thread. Fiber is critically important to the make up of both plants and animals because they hold tissue together. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for humans. Fruits are also an excellent source of "phytochemicals" which are chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants. The best known phytochemical is beta-carotene.
Regular and continued consumption of fruit is thought to reduce some forms of cancer, as well as reduce the risks of stroke and Alzheimer disease. Diets that are high in plant based foods of all types have been linked to general health and being long lived. Also, eating fruits will contribute to weight loss, lower cholesterol and perhaps even stress reduction. So now you know a little about why fruits are so good for us. An easy and tasty way to get fruit into your diet is through fruit smoothies.

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